The War of The Worlds Blog 1

The author (H.G. Wells) of the book “The War of the Worlds” initiates the first couple of chapters by telling how a man and the people of his town see a big light in the sky which crashes in the ground. The people of the town gather around it to see what’s going on. The people believe the creatures are martians. They see a strange looking creature hiding in the back of the cylinder shaped “vehicle” from the sky.

The title of course gives the reader a hint of what will be going on, a war between two worlds. The first few sentences gives the reader a kind of creepy feeling. A feeling that something terrible will happen. I feel like this because of how Wells describes how the humans have been watched for a long time by other intelligent life.


After reading and thinking about the first couple of chapters you can tell how the story will continue. It’s kind of obvious that the martians will start a war (due to the title) and that it will go horribly wrong for the humans. We follow the man and his wife which makes me think one of them will die, most likely the wife since the man is the main character. The book will probably continue in the survival like genre.

One thing which I don’t get is why the people keep on sending soldiers in even after they’ve seen and faced the “heat-ray” that the martians use. It’s so meaningless to just send in troops to die one after another.


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